About: Gina Holm
Blog: Coffee Break
Navigators Blog
Book: Peace in the Brokenness
About: Gina Holm
Blog: Coffee Break
Navigators Blog
Book: Peace in the Brokenness
Thank you for joining me in this journey! Please fill out the form below as we commit to grow together, interact with each other and give all the glory to God!
Launch Team Form
First Name
First Name
Last Name
Email Address
Please check a box to let us know which way you are participating:
Individual participation. You will do all the reading on your own but will still be required to follow the reading schedule and participation in the private Facebook page with the rest of the team.
Small book club. If you have been personally invited by someone to participate in a small book club, please fill out the "book club" box below and let us know who your book club leader is. Be sure to include her last name and the city in which you will be meeting. Individual participation in private Facebook group is still required.
Leadership teams. If you belong to a leadership development team participating in our launch team, please fill out the "leadership team" box below and be sure to include the following: name and city of organization and your leader's name. Please know that individual participation in private Facebook group is still required.
Book Club
If you checked the book club box above, please list your book club leaders first & last name and the city you are meeting in below.
Leadership Team
If you checked the Leadership Team box above, please list the name of your organization and your leader's name below.
Please provide the following information. Remember you don't have to have all social media outlets. However, you do need to have an active Facebook account in order to participate and share information to help with the book promotion.
Do you have any fun ideas to help us with the promotion of Peace in the Brokenness?
What unique marketing ideas do you have?
Please check the boxes in agreement to the following:
I understand that my participation in the launch team for the book, Peace in the Brokenness, is as a volunteer and no monetary compensation will be given.
I understand that this is a private launch team and prior to the release date of January 17, 2016, I will only share information or content of the book as directed by Gina Holm or the Peace in the Brokenness lead team members.
Because space is limited, I understand that my applying does not guarantee participation in the launch team. I will be notified of participation via email by October 31st.
Thank you!